Governor Greg Gianforte signs HB 379. NAIFA MT Trustee Brian Nelson is center back row, with Bill Warden, NAIFA MT Governor Affairs Director on the right, back row.
NAIFA MONTANA is excited to announce the passage of HB 379, the repeal of the longstanding unisex law. The association has worked hard over many sessions to see this law repealed and we are proud of the role NAIFA MONTANA has played.
Our appreciation goes out to our lobbyist Bill Warden, Insurance Commissioner, Troy Downing and his staff for introducing the bill, and to Governor Greg Gianforte for signing the bill into law yesterday. And most importantly, we want to thank our NAIFA MONTANA members for their continued efforts in testifying and communicating with their legislators over these many years. Congratulations on a job well done! "[This act] applies to insurance contracts entered into or renewed on or after January 1, 2022." You may look up the entire HB379 text at: